BA Human Resources
AAS Allied Health Science
AAS Instructor of Technology and Military Science
Master Resilience Trainer Certification
Emotional Intelligence Facilitator Certification
Shipley Four Lenses Licensed Facilitator
Areas of Expertise?
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Learning Facilitation
Team Building
Behavioral Drift
Defense Industry Executive Leadership; Military Leadership; Nonprofit Board Secretary; Defense Industry Leadership; Defense Industry Learning and Development; Defense Industry Human Resources Management; Health and Wellness; Military Protocol; Military Education and Training; Military Paraprofessional Medicine
Please provide a summary of your work history, qualifications, and background:
Executive, intermediate, and first-level leader for thousands of personnel across multiple military and defense industry organizations for 24 years.
Adult Learning and Leadership Development Expert for 20 years:
- Over 2,000 hours of platform instruction
- More than 300 speaking engagements for audiences up to 2K
- Hundreds of hours of customizing learning content
- Hundreds of hours facilitating leadership and team enhanced learning
- Dozens of hours facilitating live-virtual leadership seminars
- Hybrid-environment mentor and coach for dozens of leaders
Emergency and clinical medical professional, in hospital and on scene, for 15 years. Delivered inpatient and outpatient care in multiple disciplines.
- National Defense University: Keystone Executive Leaders Course
- Joint Special Operations University: Summit International Leaders Course Institute for - Defense and Business:
Continuous Process Improvement for Executives
- Basic Instructor Course Certification
- Professional Managers Certification
- Acumen Learning: Building Business Acumen
Why would a prospective client want you to be their keynote speaker or to support their speaking event? What are some compelling aspects of your background/career/experience that we should know about?
Lived experience: large-scale change in high-profile organization; multiple military career experiences (medical, education & training, drill sergeant, career advisor); multiple civilian industry experiences (small business entrepreneur, independent consultant, manager, nonprofit board); sibling suicide; homelessness; domestic violence; teenage runaway; resilience; weight loss; high-risk pregnancy; teenage pregnancy; workplace sexual harassment; failed marriage; blended family
What are some positions you have held in your career that you would like prospective clients to know about?
Chief People Empowerment Officer
Founder of a Small Business
Senior Advisor to CEO, Airfield & Infrastructure/Mission Support for two military branches of service
Senior Advisor to CEO, Special Operations
Senior Advisor to CEO, Air Mobility
Senior Advisor to COO, Military Initial Training
Military Career Advisor
Manager, Learning & Development
What are some speaking events you’ve supported recently?
Special Operations Wing Chief Recognition Ceremony; Air Force Sergeants Association Division Conference opening; Air Force Sergeants Association International Professional Conference opening; Comal Independent School District Leadership Summit keynote; Connections Individual & Family Services annual gala keynote; Air University’s Women’s History Month Celebration culmination keynote
Do you have any articles or publications? Have you been featured in any? If so, what were they?
1. Multiple video publications from various military Public Affairs Offices, one of which is embedded in the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy curriculum: CLICK HERE
2. Featured as host for a previous federal defense contract company, multiple podcast guest appearances, and host of a current “lessons learned” podcast.
3. Articles:
A Journey From Clueless Airman to Command Chief: CLICK HERE
AAPI Spotlight: Meet Chief Master Sgt. Hope Skibitsky: CLICK HERE
As a woman in the Air Force, Hope found a way: CLICK HERE
Airman exemplifies role as leader, mentor for Airmen: CLICK HERE
Please list any other information you would find helpful:
I am very comfortable with tailoring a message for a particular audience, topic, and/or theme across a broad spectrum of subject matter.